AHHH, so im late with posting like-- ANYTHING. So heres a few drawings 8 H 8.

A sketch that turned out pretty cool, still got a lot to work on anatomy wise :U

This is a gift art of my friends character > U <

And if it isnt obvious enough, Im really trying to pick up using photoshop again. I'm so rusty, i feel like a beginner all over again D: But i do like how this one turned out thoughh!
Wow, Im so behind on blogspot, Ill try to make this post nice, short and simplee.. @ H @
The only real huge thing that happened recently is that i went to see Luna Sea in Hollywood California on the 4th of December, it was probably one of the best concerts I've ever been to, it was beautiful! We even got interviewed by some film makers who are making a documentary of Luna Sea, so hopefully we made a small appearance > U <. Annnd, we were able to get front roll center, and I even got J's pick! So awesome!
And after that, came home after Xmas, and spent time at home on New Years, nothing really big has happened since then, Though i do have some work i wanted to post up earlier. @ H @ Of course Im late with everything I do.
So today! My best friend Rinda ended up driving down to hang with my sister and I, we had a blast, we got some japanese snacks and took some purikura pictures, of course, we couldnt head home without drinking some tapioca. Ive missed it so much! So it was a nice girls day out, hopefully we do this more often > U <

Me and my bf Rinda - 3 - <3

The three of us!~